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Illustration from
Scylitzes Chronicle
folio 67r The Perjurious Female Accuser of Patriarch Methodios I and Soldiers with Swords Drawn.

Source: Skyllitzes Matritensis, Biblioteca Nacional de Espańa
FIG 32. Scylitzes fol. 67 r. Soldiers with long swords drawn about to submit the calumnious woman who has offended the patriarch, Methodios, a trial.
"Military Equipment in the Byzantine Manuscript of Skylitzes in Biblioteca Nacional in Madrid" by Ada Bruhn Hoffmeyer, pp. 1-194 in Gladius 5 (1966)
Attempts to blacken his character by the iconoclasts failed, when the woman suborned to give false evidence against him was proved a liar and admitted the plot: Ps.-Symeon 652, Theoph. Cont. IV 10 (pp. 158-160), Zon. XVI 1.21-35 (and see Anonyma 21), cf. Sabas, Vita Ioannicii 47, Petrus, Vita Ioannicii 69 (his character was attacked).
Source: Methodios 1 Prosopography of the Byzantine Empire
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