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Egyptian Campaign
Links to illustrations and articles about the Invasion of Egypt by Napoleon Bonaparte
Illustration of a Mameluke from Description De L'Egypte, Vol II, plate D, Left Panel
Illustration of an Alexandrian Sailor from Description De L'Egypte, Vol II, plate D, Right Panel
30 Illustrations from Description De L'Egypte, Vol II, plate K
Mameluke in full armour, engraved by Moritz Michael, 1790-1849.
The Egyptian Campaign at Histofig in French
The Egyptian Campaign at
French Occupation Period at
Prints of French Soldiers of the Egyptian Campaign by Rousselot
Digital Books
Narrative of the British Expedition to Egypt, by Sir Robert Thomas Wilson. 1803
The Importance of Malta Considered, in the Years 1796 and 1798, Mark Wood, 1803
Memoir of a campaign with the Ottoman army in Egypt, from February to July 1800, John Philip Morier, 1801
Journal of the late campaign in Egypt: including descriptions of that country, and of Gibraltar, Minorca, Malta, Marmorice, and Macri, by Thomas Walsh, 1801
Illustrations from Journal of the late campaign in Egypt by Thomas Walsh, 1801
State of Egypt, After the Battle of Heliopolis, Reynier, G and J Robinson, 1802
Final French struggles in India and on the Indian seas with an appendix containing an account of the expedition from India to Egypt in 1801, Malleson, G. B., 1825-1898
In French
Biographie maritime: ou, Notices historiques sur la vie et les campagnes des marins célèbres français et étrangers by Joseph François Gabriel Hennequin, 1837
Histoire de l'expédition d'Egypte et de Syri, by Jean-Joseph Ader. A. Dupont et Cie, 1826
Guerre d'Orient: Campagnes de Égypte et de Syrie, 1798-1799. Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire de Napoléon, dictés par lui-mème à Sainte-Hélène, Volume 1, Bertrand, Henri-Gratien, 1847 & Volume 2
Les Polonais en Egypte, 1798-1801 Skakowski, A. M. (Adam Mieczysaw), Zajaczek, Józef, 1910
Relation des campagnes du Général Bonaparte en Egypte et en Syrie, Berthier, Louis-Alexandre, 1753-1815
Description De L'Egypte ou Recueil Des Observations Et Des Recherches, Quiont ete Faites En Egypte, Pendant L'Expedition De L'Armee Francais by Dediee Au Roi, 1823. Volumes 1 to 5
In German
Poesie der Kreigskunst: Oder, Feldzug der Franzosen in Egypten in den Jahren …. 1824
10th to 19th century Egypt and its territories
Ottoman Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers
Index of Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers