Armies of the Wars in India by Paul D. Stevenson
Armies of the Wars in India: The British Army by Paul D. Stevenson
Armies of the Wars in India: Part IV The Mysoreans by Paul D. Stevenson
A narrative of the campaign in India which terminated the war with Tippoo Sultan, in 1792. by Major Alexander Dirom, 1793.
Portrait of Muhammad Ali Khan, Nawab of Arcot and the Carnatic, 1770, by Tilly Keitle
Drawing of Mangalore fort after it was taken by the British in 1783
‘The Reception of the Mysorean Hostage Princes by Marquis Cornwallis’, 1792, by Robert Home. National Army Museum in Chelsea, London
Soldier of Tipu Sultan of Mysore armed with a flintlock musket
Bombay Grenadier, Sepoy 1800 by Jack Cassin-Scott
 Tipu's Bayonet
Tipu Sultan's Fabric Helmet, Mysore, late 18th century. Victoria and Albert Museum, 3518(IS).
'Visit to Royal Armouries (UK) Part 5 – Tipu Sultan & Mysore' by Akaal Arms
Charles Gold's Oriental Drawings, 1806
Including Mysore Regular Infantry, Sepoys of the Madras Establishment,
Officers and Private of the Gun Lascar Corps, Madras Establishment,
A Naigue of the Bombay Grenadier Battalion
and infantry & cavalry in front of Tipoo's Palace.
Selected illustrations from "Oriental Memoirs" by James Forbes (1749-1819), published 1813
Sepoys of Madras, Bengal and Bombay, c.1816 after Fitzclarence
Handcoloured engravings by Frederic Shoberl from his work 'The World in Miniature: Hindoostan', 1820s