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A Byzantine Casket, 10th-11th century
Musée National du Moyen Âge
The National Museum of the Middle Ages, Paris
3 of the 5 plaques on the side of the casket

Left - A Byzantine Skutatoi Right - a naked warrior in Phrygian cap

A Psiloi with sword and buckler
Casket with combat scenes from Classical mythology.
Constantinople, 10th-11th c. CE. Bone on wood.
Inv. no.: Cl 13075.
Musée National du Moyen Âge
Source: Silkroad
The Psiloi is referenced as the central figure on p.31 MAA-89 Byzantine Armies 886-1118 by Ian Heath & Angus McBride
"These figures representing psiloi are taken from an assortment of 10th-century ivory caskets.
The first thing we see is that, despite the military manuals’ statements to the contrary,
helmets appear to have been in widespread use amongst light infantry.
Bows and swords are the arms most commonly depicted on the caskets,
but note that of the top two figures one has a slightly curved weapon and the other a sabre-hilted sword,
both probably one-edged parameria."
See also A Byzantine Plaque with Scenes from the Book of Joshua, 2nd half of 10th century
The Portrait Illumination of Basil II, Byzantine, c.1017
Other Illustrations of Byzantine Costume & Soldiers
10th century Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers