A Ritual Scene, Piandjikent

A larger image of this Ritual Scene, Piandjikent.

Illustration 87, p.104 in Tamara Talbot Rice, Ancient Arts of Central Asia, 1965
87 Drawing of a mural at Piandjikent representing a ritual scene which is probably connected with the spring festival. The men in the right-hand section hold branches of almond blossom and gold vessels of Sassanian shape. The left-hand section shows a priest kneeling on a carpet beside an altar, his attendant close by. Seventh-eighth century
87 Wall-painting (reconstruction) ritual scene, probably depicting the Nu Ruz sacrifice, with traces of Soghdian inscription. Piandjikent, building X, north wall, seventh-eighth century. Photo: State Hermitage Museum, Leningrad
Soghdian Murals at Piandjikent, an extract from ANCIENT ARTS OF CENTRAL ASIA by Tamara Talbot Rice

Referenced as fig 8 in "Two Miniatures from the Collections of Topkapi" by Emil Esin, in Ars Orientalis V, p. 152

Men with almond blossom and gold vessels

Ancient Panjakent fresco representing the king of Panjakent, Devashtich

More coloured photos of Sogdian murals from Panjakent (Panjīkant), 6th-8th Centuries