3r David fleeing from Absalom's army, according to the title of Psalm 3
 6r Sleeping guards at the sepulcre, Psalm 7, verse 7
 10r The wicked bend their bow. Psalm 10: 1-2.
 Roman custom of proclamation of emperor on the shield. King Hezekiah. Psalm 23, verses 9 - 10
 Resurrection. The empty tomb and the sleeping guards Psalm 30, verses 6 - 7
 44r Martyrs. David prophecies about the resurrection of Christ. St. George tortured on the wheel. The Annunciation. Psalm 43, verses 12, 23, 24, 27. Psalm 44, verse 1.
 Crucifixion Psalm 45, verse 7
 56r Attack on a fortress, Psalm 50, verses 3 and 16
 City of Jerusalem, left of the stairs is King David, to right the queen - the personification of Zion. Doeg the Edomite, telling King Saul about David. Psalm 50, verse 20. Psalm 51.
 David as a boy, kneeling Two Ziphites before King Saul Psalm 53: 3
 Arrest of David / Betrayal Psalm 55, verse 3
 58r Byzantine cavalry and burning houses, Psalm 59
 Archers shooting at Constantinus I Magnus Psalm 59, verse 6
 60r David and soldiers portrayed as Byzantine. Psalm 62, verse 1, A Psalm of David; verse 2
 62r Crucifixion. Psalm 68, verse 2 Iconoclasts Ioannes Grammatikos and Bishop Antonios of Pamphylia in the foreground.
 Psalm 68, verses 28, 29 Sepulchre guards bribed by the chief priests
 78v Jews worship the idol on the top of the mountain. Pagans attack the Jews. The victorious pagans take Jews into captivity. King David, the prophecy of the resurrection. Psalm 77, verses 58, 60, 61, 65
 79r Psalms 77 & 78. Madonna with the infant Christ in the temple on the mountain top. The prophet Samuel anoints David king while grazing herds. Before Jerusalem sits king Antiochus Epiphanes watches the defeat of the Maccabean brothers.
 92r Massacre of the Innocents. Flight to Egypt. Psalm 90, verse 7
 Saint Eustace's vision of the image of Christ between the antlers
 Adoration of Baal-Peor. Phinehas, spearing Zimri and Cozbi. Sacrifice of children to the demon. Psalm 105, verses 28, 29, 30, 37
 110r After children are murdered, heathen cavalry conquer. Psalm 105, verses 38, 40, 41
 Death of Absalom, Psalm 142, verses 1 - 2
 David fights Goliath Psalm 143, verse 1
 158r David beheads Goliath Psalm 151 (1 Samuel 17)
 The song of the three youths, with Daniel in Babylon (Daniel 3, 49-50)