Coptic Egyptian Carved Limestone Relief, 6th century

figure 56 : “Joseph taken to egypt” on a 6th century carved stone relief, Coptic egypt (Coptic museum, inv. 8001, Cairo; author’s photograph).
p.232: A third and perhaps more significant group of illustrations showing men riding horses side-saddle comes from what could be interpreted as an Arab context. They include the horseman who leads Joseph into captivity in Egypt on a 6th century Coptic carved limestone panel - a figure often shown as a “desert nomad” and thus a Saracen or Arab even in pre-Islamic times (figure 56).
Source: "The Zangid bridge of Ğazīrat ibn ʿUmar (ʿAyn Dīwār/Cizre): a New Look at the carved panel of an armoured horseman" by David Nicolle, in Bulletin d'études orientales 2014/1 (Tome LXII) pp. 223- 264

Referenced on p.27, EH - 071 - The Great Islamic Conquests AD 632-750 by David Nicolle
A 6th century Coptic Egyptian carved limestone relief, probably illustrating the story of Joseph being taken to Egypt. Note that the 'Arab' horseman leading the camel on which young Joseph probably rides is himself riding side-saddle. This seems to have been a bedouin habit and can be seen in a few other sources, including at least one wall-painting from Transoxania which was made around the time of the Arab-Islamic invasion. (Coptic Museum, inv. 8001, Cairo, Egypt; David Nicolle photograph)

See also Illustrations of Arab Costume and Soldiers
Illustrations of Costume and Soldiers from Coptic and Nubian sources