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Homilies (Commentaries) of Gregory of Nazianzus, Byzantine, 879-883AD
Manuscript dedicated to the Emperor Basil I the Macedonian

Titre : Grégoire de Nazianze, manuscrit dédié à l'empereur Basile Ier le Macédonien.
Date d'édition : 0879-0883
Type : manuscrit
Langue : Grec ancien
Format : Parchemin. - 465 fol. - Onciale. - Peint. - 435 x 300 mm
Description : Grégoire de Nazianze, Homélies.
Droits : domaine public
Identifiant : ark:/12148/btv1b84522082
Gregory of Nazianzus c. 329 – 25 January 390
Miniature on folio 30v. Crucifixion (upper register), 'Commentaries of Gregory of Nazianzus', Byzantine, 879-883AD, BnF Grec 510
Miniature on folio 69v: scenes of the life of Joseph spread over five registers. fifth register: Potiphar buys Joseph, Joseph flees Potiphar's wife, Pharaoh and Joseph, triumph of Joseph standing on the chariot.
Miniature on folio 137r. Middle register: Herod orders the slaughter of innocents, Elisabeth and John the Baptist are hiding in a cave, the martyrdom of Zechariah.
Miniature on folio 170r. Middle register: The cure of the servant of the centurion (Matthew 8.5-13) with at left Christ who is addressing the centurion accompanied by soldiers
Miniature on folio 215v. In the upper register, the judgment of Solomon (3 Kings 3, 16-27): Solomon sits enthroned flanked by two soldiers while another soldier holding the child above the two women depicted on the right side.
Miniature on folio 226v. In the lower register, left and centre, Joshua stops the sun and moon (Joshua 10: 12-14): Joshua (centre) leaning on his spear designates with his left hand the sun and the moon while two Amorites lie at his feet and others (left) flee on horseback. Lower register, right part, Joshua and the angel (Joshua 5: 13-15): Joshua kneels before the angel dressed like him in a gold breastplate and holds a sword in his right that he just drew from its sheath.
Miniature on folio 239r. In the upper register, Gregory and the Emperor Theodosius: Gregory followed by two bishops addresses Theodosius I; on the right, the imperial throne beside which two guards stand.
Miniature on folio 264v. Lower register: the crossing of the Red Sea (Exodus, 14, 21-31) and the dance of Miriam (Exodus, 15, 20-21).
Miniature on folio 332v. In the lower register, the Life of Cyprian.
Miniature on folio 347v depicting scenes from Samson's life: Upper register: Samson kills the Philistines with a jawbone (Judges 15, 15-16) Samson holds the jawbone to drink the water that springs from it (Judges 15, 18-19)
Miniature on folio 374v. Middle register: Julian attends the sacrifice of a bull.
Miniature on folio 409v. Upper register: Julian the Apostate arrives in front of the town of Ctesiphon on the Tigris.
Miniature on folio 424v. Upper register : The Fall of Jericho (Joshua 6, 1-16). Joshua (at the extreme left) and seven soldiers sounding the trumpets surround the walls of the city which collapse. Middle register : Victory against the Amalekites (Exodus 17, 8-13) : Aaron and Hur hold up the arms of Moses (at left) whilst the Israalite cavalry combat the Amalekites.
Miniature on folio 440r. Upper register: the dream of Constantine. Middle: the vision of the cross and the battle of the Milvian Bridge. Lower register: Helen and the invention of the cross.
Source : Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des manuscrits, Grec 510
Referenced as figure 202 in The military technology of classical Islam by D Nicolle
202A to 202D. Manuscript of St. Gregory Nazianzus, A - 'Massacre of the Innocents,' B - 'Soldiers of Jaire,' C - 'Judgement of Solomon,' D - 'Angel before Joseph,' c.880 AD, Byzantine, Bib. Nat. Ms. Grec. 510, ff. 137r, 170r, 215v and 226v, Paris (War).
See also Byzantine Weaponry and Military Equipment in the Homilies of St Gregory of Nazianzus (Paris, Gr. 510) by Valeri Yotov
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Mount Athos Psalter, MS. Pantocrator 61, Byzantine, first half of the 9th century
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