Joshua Sent Two Spies Out from Shittim |
 Israel Crosses the Jordan. The Twelve Memorial Stones. |
 The Israelites are Circumcised at Gilgal. |
 The Captain of the Army of the Lord. |
 The Israelites March around Jericho. The Fall of Jericho |
 Jericho Mourns. Joshua Sends Scouts to Ai. |
 The Scouts Report. Joshua Sends a Small Force to Attack Ai. |
 The Israelites are Defeated at Ai. Joshua and the Elders Prostrate before the Lord. |
 The Lord Chooses Achan as the Sinner. Achan is Stoned. |
 The Lord Tells Joshua to Attack Ai. Israel Marches on Ai. The Destruction of Ai. |
 Joshua Condemning the King of Ai. Joshua Giving Thanks before the Altar on Mount Ebal. |
 Gibeonite Ruse. Gibeonites Ask For Help Against the Amorites. Defeat of the Amorites. |
 Israel Pursues the Amorites as the Sun Stands Still. Joshua is Told the Five Kings are in a Cave. |
 The Israelite Commanders Place their Feet on the Necks of the Five Amorite Kings. |
 The Amorite Kings are Slain and Hung on Trees. |