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A Ewer from Nagyszentmiklós
Horseman and captive

Referenced on p19, Byzantine Armies 886-1118 by Ian Heath: At the time that Leo VI actually wrote his Tactica the Magyars were the Empire's other principal foe, though they could also be found as mercenaries in the Byzantine army.
The armour worn here could almost be straight from an Imperial arsenal, with mail coif and corselet, iron helmet and splint-armour greaves and vambraces.
His captive wears lamellar. (Kunsthistorischen Museum, Vienna).
Referenced as figure 445 in The military technology of classical Islam by D Nicolle
445. Gold ewer, Nagyszentmiklos Treasure, 8th-9th centuries AD, north Caucasian (?), Kunsthistoriches Museum, Vienna (Laz N).
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