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Bowl with horseman, 10th Century, Nishapur, Iran
Denver Art Museum

Bowl with Horseman Iran, Nishapur, 900s glazed earthenware, 8½ inches (21.6 cm) diameter. Museum exchange 1967.93
Nishapur, in northeastern Persia, was once a thriving cosmopolitan city on the east-west trade route between China and the Mediterranean.
The brown, green, and yellow underglaze on this bowl probably reflects the popularity of Chinese ceramics of the Tang Dynasty (618–907), which have been found there.
Though Arab Muslims were ruling the area by 900,
their prohibition against using images did not interfere with this potter’s splendid depiction of a mounted horseman on a hunting expedition.
Source: Denver Art Museum
Previous: Bowl with horseman, 10th Century, Nishapur, Iran, Victoria and Albert Museum
Next: Bowl with horseman, 9th-10th Century, Nishapur, Iran, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg
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