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Martyrdom of St. Pteleme, Egypt, 9th century-early 10th century, Pierpont Morgan Library MS. M.581
Folio 1v

Ptolemy of Dendera nimbed, wearing diadem, mounted, right hand extended toward Paphnutius of Egypt nimbed, wearing monk’s habit,
holding staff and vessel inscribed "the receptacle of water" (Coptic), gesturing; inscriptions, "St. Apa Pteleme of Nikentori, ‘Greetings’" (Coptic);
"Apa Pteleme speaking with Apa Papnoute the ascetic, saying, ‘Greetings, Sir, my lord and father’" (Coptic);
and "Apa Papnoute speaking with Pteleme, ‘Greetings, O ruler’" (Coptic).
Call Number: B1 344 A MS M.0581
Title: Martyrdom of St. Pteleme.
Published/Created: Egypt, 9th cent.-early 10th cent.
Description: 25 leaves (2 columns, 27-30 lines), bound : vellum, ill. ; 324 x 261 mm
fol. 1v: Frontispiece
fol. 2r: Title: "Martyrdom of Apa Pteleme (Ptolomaeus) of Nikentorei (Dendera), prize-winner and martyr of Christ. He completed his struggle on the 11th day of Kiyahk.
He flew away to the heights, to him who loved him (or, to him whom he loved), Christ. In peace. Amen."
Language: Coptic, the Sahidic dialect
Notes: Manuscript written and illuminated in in the Fayum, Egypt, between 800 and 920.
Colophon: fol. 1v: Artist (and copyist?) in Coptic: By Deacon Dioskoros
Pierpont Morgan Library. Manuscript. M.581.
Referenced as figure 151 in The military technology of classical Islam by D Nicolle
151. Manuscript, St. Ptolomeus of Nikantori, 11th century AD, Coptic, Pierpont Morgan Lib. Ms. 581, New York (Ler C).
See 'Horse-Armour and Caparisons' by David Nicolle, an extract from The military technology of classical Islam
Referenced as figure 90 in "The Iconography of a Military Elite: Military Figures on an Early Thirteenth-Century Candlestick (Part II)" by David Nicolle, in Mamlūk Studies Review Vol. 19, 2016
St. Ptolomeus of Nikentori on a horse with a caparison and apparent chamfron [shaded grey], Coptic Synaxary, Egypt, 9th to 11th centuries (Pierpont Morgan Library, M.581, f.1v, New York, USA).
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