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Bactrian War Elephant and Crew Going Rightwards

A larger image of a Bactrian War Elephant and Crew Going Rightwards. Hermitage S-65.
Note the Hippocampus on the cloth.
Title: Phalera Showing a Battle Elephant Going Rightwards
Place of creation: Eastern Iran (?)
Date: 3rd - 2nd century BC
Material: silver
Technique: chased and gilded
Dimensions: diameter 24.7 cm
Acquisition date: Entered the Hermitage in 1860; transferred from the Russian Academy of Sciences
Inventory Number: S-65
Source: State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg. S-65.
Plate or plaque with figure of elephant.
India (?). Silver. Dia. 25 cm. Found prior to 1725, provenance unknown (Siberia?).
Fig. 47, Ia. I. Smirnov, ed. Vostochnoe serebro. Atlas drevnei serebrianoi i zolotoi posudy vostochnogo proiskhozhdeniia, naidennoi preimushchestvenno v predelakh Rossiiskoi imperii. Izdanie Imperatorskoi Arkheologicheskoi Kommissii ko dniu piatidesiatiletiia eia deiatel'nosti (St. Petersburg, 1909).
See the matching Phalera: Bactrian War Elephant and Crew Going Leftwards. State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg. S-64
Elephants with Towers in Armies of the Macedonian and Punic Wars by Duncan Head, illustrated by Ian Heath, based on this Bactrian War Elephant and Crew
See other Sasanian and Central Asian Plates
Other Ancient Illustrations of Costume and Soldiers