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Graeco-Scythian gold horseman appliqués.
State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg.

Gold plaque of a mounted Scythian. Black Sea region, c. 400–350 BC. © The State Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg, 2017. Photo: V Terebenin.
Source: Introducing the Scythians – The British Museum Blog
A Graeco-Scythian gold horseman appliqué
A Graeco-Scythian appliqué of a figure with a lance and decorated robes,
noted to have come from the Crimea in the 4th Century B.C., and now in the Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg,
Published: L'or des Amazonen, peuple nomades entre Asie et Europe, VIe siècle av.J.C - IVe siècle apr.J-C, Musée Cernuschi (Paris 16 March - 15 July 2001), p.53.
Historical Museum, Moscow.

A Graeco-Scythian gold horseman appliqué, Historical Museum, Moscow.
A sew on plaque. Gold. Around 350 BC. Kul-Oba Kurgan, Kerch.
Source: Exhibition "Nomad. Between heaven and earth". Gold and Weapons of the Nomads. Part 3.
Back to the smaller images of Graeco-Scythian gold horseman appliqués, State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg and Historical Museum, Moscow.