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Illustrations of Ottomans circa 1790 in
Costumes Turcs
Vol. I Folio 115. Salma çuhadar

Image source: Osmanlı kıyafet albümleri (1770-1810) by Nurdan Küçükhasköylü
Salma Choadar, premier officer de la Garde.
Painting (watercolour). Folio 115 from an album showing Turkish costume. Salma çuhadar, first officer of the guard and police of Istanbul. Red kaftan with brown fur lining and edging, broad green kuşak with a dagger fastened to it by a chain, wide blue ankle-length trousers. His hat has a broad astrakhan brim and a white crown. Holding a staff (asa).
British Museum. Registration number: 1974,0617,
Previously owned by Heinrich Friedrich von Diez
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