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Illustrations from Topkapi Sarayi Museum, MS. Hazine 1597-8

Selīm-nāma by Şūkrī-i Bitlisī of c.1521-25AD

f1a. The author, scribe,
and artist of the

f23b. One of the battles
of Prince Selim while
he was in Trabzon Sanjak.

f32a. Selim and his
father-in-law Mengli Giray I.

f44a. Bayezid II fighting his son
Selim at Uğraşdere.

f52b. Bayezid II with his Divan.

f62a. Funeral of Bayezid II.

f64b. Selim I being entertained.

f83b. Selim I fighting his
brother Ahmed.

f113a. Shah Ismail observes the Ottoman
army before the Battle of Chaldiran.

f?. Shah Ismail has drinks
distributed before Chaldiran.

f131b. The Battle of Çaldıran, 1514.

f140a. Timurid prince Badî'
al-Zamân b. Husain Mirzâ with
Sultan Selim I.

f156a. Selim I Discusses the
Second Azerbaijani Expedition
with his Divan.

f?. The Battle of Tekiryaylağı, 1515.

f164b. The Battle of
Turnadağ against
Bozkurt of Dulkadir, 1515

f193b. The Battle of Koçhisar, 1516

f216b. The Battle of Marj Dabiq, 1516

f231b. Ottomans battle Mamluk Arab cavalry

f235a. Ottomans besieging
the Mamluks in Damascus, 1521.

f254a. The port of
Alexandria during the
Egyptian Expedition.

f264a. The Celali revolt.

f267a. Selim I on his deathbed.

Note that many Ottoman, Mamluk & Persian cavalry have no apparent armour, even though some appear to have armoured horses. Armour would be worn under robes.

Turkish epic poem on the heroic deeds of Sultan Selim ibn Bayazid (reigned 1512-1521), who overcame the Persians and conquered Egypt. It was composed shortly after his death, by one of his retainers, the Kurdish Emir Shukri Bey Bitlisi, on commission from Selim's son Suleiman, whom the Europeans call the Magnificent.
Source: google arts and culture.

See also Selīm-nāma by Şūkrī-i Bitlisī, 1524. The National Library of Israel, Jerusalem, Ms. Yah. Ar. 1116.
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