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Illustration of Ottomans from:

Recueil de cent estampes representant differentes nations du Levant, gravees sur les tableaux peints d'apres nature en 1707 & 1708 par l'ordre de M. de Ferriol, Ambassadeur du Roi a la Porte; et mis au jour en 1712 & 1713 par les soins de M. Le Hay.
[Collection of one hundred prints representing different nations of the Levant, engraved on the paintings from life in 1707 & 1708 by order of M. de Ferriol, Ambassador of the King to the Porte; and brought to light in 1712 & 1713 by the care of M. Le Hay]
Paris, 1714
From Paintings by Jean-Baptiste Vanmour (Van Mour), 1671-1737

Jean Baptiste Vanmour. Born in French Flanders in 1671, he came to Istanbul in 1699, at the age of eighteen, in the suite of the French ambassador, the Marquis de Ferriol. As far as is known, he did not leave the city until his death in 1737.
or in various categories (for less bandwidth):

Government and Religious.
Turkish Civilian.
Asian and African.

See also Paintings by Jean-Baptiste Vanmour (Van Mour), painted from 1699 to 1737

Links to Prints by Title

The Great Lord in ceremonial dress for the day of Beiram
The Great Lord in the Seraglio, with the Kizlar Ağası
The Sultana Asseki or Sultana Queen
The Kizlar Ağası, head of the black eunuchs. He is the keeper of the harem of the Great Lord
The Kapısı Ağası (Ak Ağa), or chief of the white eunuchs
The Ibriktar Agasi, Officer who washes the Great Lord
The Silahtar Ağası, or sword bearer of the Great Lord
İç Oglan, Page intended to serve the Lord in the Grand Seraglio
Peyk, Page of the Sultan, who follows him on foot when he comes out
Zülüflü Baltacı - page destined to guard the imprisoned Princes
Bölük Başı, Executive Chef of the Great Lord
Ast-chi, the Great Lord's cook
Halvadgi or confectioner to the Serail
The Çavuş Baş, Chief Bailiff
Kapıcı Başı, or Master of Ceremonies
Solak Başı, or Captain of the Guards of the Great Lord
Solak, Guard of the Great Lord
The Bostancı Başı, or the superintendent of the Gardens, in ceremonial dress
Kasseki, Officer of bostanjis
The Mufti, or chief of the Law
The Kazasker (Kadi El Asker), Chief of the military laws. There is one for European and one for Asian
Emir, man of Law of Muhammad's Race
Imam, Minister of a Mosque
Effendi, Man of law in his Study
Dervish, or Turkish monk that spins through devotion
Saka, Charitable Dervish who brings water for the city and gives charity
Sadrazam, the Grand Vizier, in Ceremonial Dress and Turban
Şatırı, or Grand Vizier's Footman
The Yeniçeri Ağası, or commander of Janissaries
Çorbaçı, colonel of the Janissaries
Ast-chi-Bashi, Cook and Officer of the Janissaries
Janissary in ceremonial dress
Jannissary in ordinary turban
Sipahi or Turkish Cavalryman
Serdengeçti or Volunteer
The Kaptan Başı, or Grand Admiral in ceremonial dress
Bey, Galley Captain
Levent, or Marine
Aga, or Turkish gentleman
Tchelebi, young Turkish lord
Turk in winter dress
Turk praying
Turkish lover who cuts his arm in front of his mistress to show his love
Turkish child being lead to circumcision
Turkish woman who smokes on the sofa
Turkish woman resting on the sofa after her bath
Turkish woman spinning on a tandour
Turkish girl taking coffee on the sofa
Turkish girl whose hair is braided at the bath
Turkish girl playing the canon
Turkish girl playing a Tchegour
Turkish girl who embroiders
Turkish girls who play mangala
Tchinguis, or Turkish dancer
Tchingui, Turkish dancer
Coffee seller in the streets
Halvadgi, seller of jams in the streets
Itinerant barber
Saka, or water carrier in the streets
Ciğerci, Albanian who carries livers of sheep to feed the cats at Bezestein
French merchant
Wife of a Frenchman, going to bathe
Jewish woman in ceremonial dress
Jewish woman, a broker bringing her goods to young Turkish women who can not get out
The patriarch of the Greeks
Greek priest
Greek woman in her apartment
Novi, or greek girl in a wedding ceremony
Greek of the islands of the archipelago, playing the Tabour
Girl from Naxos, an island of the archipelago
Girl from Tinos, an island of the archipelago
Girl of Argentiere, an island of the archipelago
Girl of Chios, an island in the archipelago
Girl of St. John of Patmos, an island of the archipelago
Hungarian female
Albanian Soldier, Arnaut
Princess of Wallachia
Wallachian nobleman
Wallachian lady
Bulgarian girl
Crimean Tatar
Dergoumidas, Armenian priest condemned by the Grand Vizier Ali Pasha, martyred 5th November 1707
An Armenian who goes to church to get married, accompanied by a companion bringing his sword
Armenian girl, who is conducted to the church to marry
Armenian architect
Armenian of Persia
Female Persian
Dervish of India
Arab of the Desert
Clothing of the Barbary Coast
Tunisian in ceremonial dress
Tunisian in Negligee
African woman going outdoors
Moorish Woman
Turkish wedding
Turkish Burial
The dervishes of Pera in their Temple, whirling

The coloured version of these prints do not match the colours of paintings by Jean-Baptiste Vanmour (Van Mour)

See also Ottoman Soldiers from other European Illustrations
The present state of the Ottoman Empire by Sir Paul Rycaut, 1677
Caspar Luyken Prints from Abraham a Sancta Clara's Neu-eröffnete Welt-Galleria, 1703
Der Kern Turkischer Geschichte (The core of Turkish history), 1739
Galanterieen der Türken (Gallantries of the Turks) by Christian Wilhelm Kindleben, 1783
Ottoman Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers in the 15th to 19th Centuries
Index of Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers

Baron, Bernard, 1696-1762
Cochin, Charles Nicolas, 1688-1754
Du Bosc, Claude, 1684-1745
Franssières, Jacques de
Haussard, Jean-Baptiste, 1679 or 80-1749
Rochefort, Pierre de, 1673-1728
Scotin, Gérard, 1643-1715
Simonneau, Philippe, 1685-1753