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Illustration of Ottomans from

Elbicei Atika. Musée des Anciens Costumes Turcs de Constantinople, par Jean Brindesi

Plate 6

Keçeli NeferNizam-ı Cedid BimbaşısıTopçu BaşıBinbası
Ketzeli Nizami djedid Bimbachi Topdji Bachi Bimbachi
Janissaire en costume officiel Chef de Bataillon de la 1ère Réforme du Sultan Mahmoud Chef de l'Artillerie Chef de Bataillon de la Réforme
Janissary in official costume Battalion Chief of the first Reform of Sultan Mahmoud Chief of Artillery Battalion Chief of the Reform

A version from a set of Turkish postcards made in the 1950s.

Previous: Inspector of Roads. Sergeant of the Guard Corps Commander. Commander of a Guard Corps
    Next: Gunner - Horse Artillery. Captain of Foot Artillery. Gunner
Back to Ottoman Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers in Elbicei Atika. Muséee des Anciens Costumes Turcs de Constantinople, par Jean Brindesi.