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Frontispiece (recto side)
Big Head Shahnama, Turkmen, Iran, 1494
Keir Collection, London, III. 128

London, Keir Collection
Title of Work: Shahnama (Big Head)
Manuscript: Big Head
Accession Number: III. 128
Chapter 1c - Frontispieces and Finispieces
Scene: Frontispiece (recto side)
Format: Rectangular within borders
Reconstructed Folio: 002r
Hijri Date: 899
Gregorian Date: 1493 (to nearest hijri year)
School: Lahijan, Gilan
Source: Shahnama Project
Back to the smaller image of the Frontispiece (recto side), Big Head Shahnama, Turkmen, Lahijan, Iran, 1494. Keir Collection, London, III. 128