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Illustrations of Turkmen of Anatolia from
اسكندر نامه Iskandar-namah, 1416
The Book of Alexander the Great. Roman d'Alexandre le Grand. Iskender name
Author: Tağ ed-Din Ahmed ibn Ibrahim el-Ahmedi (d.1412).
This copy by Muhammad ibn Pir Maulana Hosein, nicknamed el-Hagi Baba Sivasi, at Amasia and dated Friday, the 17th of Ğoumada, Hegira 819 (July 13, 1416)
Other images, some badly damaged:
Folio 19v,
Folio 29r,
Folio 75r,
Folio 117v,
Folio 146r,
Folio 161v,
Folio 162r,
Folio 202v,
Folio 295v,
Folio 296r &
Folio 333r
This novel of Alexander, although its author swears that he owes nothing to anyone, is an imitation of that which Nizami wrote under this title, and Ahmedi has brought into his frame, as did Nizami, a crowd of Islamic concepts, which have nothing to do with the story of Alexander, philosophical essays on the nature of the world and that of man, a summary of the history of the East since the creation in the form of an account given by Aristotle to his pupil.
The orthography of this manuscript, which is almost a contemporary of the author, is remarkable, the first leaves are a modern restoration, made in good nestalik, in the early seventeenth century.
This copy of the Iskender name of Ahmedi is decorated with several paintings, copied from Persian paintings from the early thirteenth century, performed under the direct influence of the Mesopotamian process of the eleventh-twelfth centuries.
Written in Ottoman Turkish. Source: BnF Ms Turc 309
See also
Turkmen Nomads from Ms Hazine 2153
Turkmen Soldiers from Ms Hazine 2152
Turkmen Soldiers from Ms Hazine 2160
Seljuk Turks
Illustrations of Timurids and Turkmen successors
Persian Illustrations of Costume and Soldiers
Ottoman Illustrations of Costume and Soldiers
Index of Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers