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An extract from Armies of the Middle Ages, Volume 2
by Ian Heath
This figure, from the tomb effigy of Imricha Zapolyai, a member of one of the country's leading noble families,
shows a Gothic armour being worn that nevertheless betrays some Italian influence in the tassets and breastplate.
This type of armour remained in use in Hungary for the rest of this period and into the early-16th century.
Note the single feather on his sallet,
a simple type of helmet-crest that is to be seen in a considerable number of Hungarian sources throughout this era;
it seems to have been used to denote men of rank.
[Based on the tomb effigy of Imricha Zapolyai, c.1487, Spišská, Slovakia]
Next: 94 & 95. HUNGARIAN OR SERBIAN HUSSARS, LATE-15th CENTURY in Armies of the Middle Ages, Volume 2 by Ian Heath