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Illustrations from

Maqamat of al-Hariri

(Abou Mohammad al-Qāsim ibn ‛Ali ibn Mohammad ibn ‛Ali al-Hariri al-Basri)
Copied and illustrated by Yahya ibn Mahmud al-Wasti

Bibliothčque nationale de France, manuscript Arabe 5847, 1237AD

folio 166r Abu Zayd and al-Harith
Abū Zayd et al-Hārith
f.166r: maqama 50
Abu Zayd and al-Harith
folio 164v Abu Zayd in the mosque of Basra
Abū Zayd dans la mosquée de Basra
f.164v: maqama 50
Abu Zayd in the mosque of Basra
folio 162v Abu Zayd dying and his son
Abū Zayd mourant et son fils
f.162v: maqama 49
Abu Zayd dying and his son
folio 160v Abu Zayd dying and his son
Abū Zayd mourant et son fils
f.160v: maqama 49
Abu Zayd dying and his son
folio 158v Abu Zayd in the mosque
Abū Zayd dans la mosquée
f.158v: maqama 48
Abu Zayd in the mosque
folio 156r Abu Zayd demanding money
Abū Zayd réclamant l'argent
f.156r: maqama 47
Abu Zayd demanding money
folio 155v Abu Zayd demanding money
Abū Zayd réclamant l'argent
f.155v: maqama 47
Abu Zayd demanding money
folio 154v Abu Zayd practicing medicine
Abū Zayd pratiquant la médecine
f.154v: maqama 47
Abu Zayd practicing medicine
folio 152r Abu Zayd teaching
Abū Zayd enseignant
f.152r: maqama 46
Abu Zayd teaching
folio 148v Abu Zayd teaching
Abū Zayd enseignant
f.148v: maqama 46
Abu Zayd teaching
folio 146r Abu Zayd before the Kadi
Abū Zayd devant le cadi
f.146r: maqama 45
Abu Zayd before the Kadi
folio 143r Abu Zayd fleeing
Abū Zayd s'enfuyant
f.143r: maqama 44
Abu Zayd fleeing
folio 140r al-Harith invited to the meal
al-Hārith invité au repas
f.140r: maqama 44
al-Harith invited to the meal
folio 139v al-Harith invited to the meal
al-Hārith invité au repas
f.139v: maqama 44
al-Harith invited to the meal
folio 138r Abu Zayd and al-Harith arriving in a village
Abū Zayd et al-Hārith arrivant dans un village
f.138r: maqama 43
Abu Zayd and al-Harith arriving in a village
folio 134r Abu Zayd sleeping and al-Harith
Abū Zayd endormi et al-Hārith
f.134r: maqama 43
Abu Zayd sleeping and al-Harith
folio 133v Abu Zayd and his listeners
Abū Zayd et ses auditeurs
f.133v: maqama 42
Abu Zayd and his listeners
folio 131v Abu Zayd and his listeners
Abū Zayd et ses auditeurs
f.131v: maqama 42
Abu Zayd and his listeners
folio 130v Abu Zayd leaving al-Harith
Abū Zayd quittant al-Hārith
f.130v: maqama 41
Abu Zayd leaving al-Harith
folio 130r Abu Zayd recognized by al-Harith
Abū Zayd reconnu par al-Hārith
f.130r: maqama 41
Abu Zayd recognized by al-Harith
folio 126r The Kadi doing justice
Cadi rendant justice
f.126r: maqama 40
The Kadi doing justice
folio 125r Abu Zayd before the Kadi
Abū Zayd devant le cadi
f.125r: maqama 40
Abu Zayd before the Kadi
folio 122v Queen giving birth
La reine accouchant
f.122v: maqama 39
Queen giving birth
folio 121r The Mysterious Island
L'īle mystérieuse
f.121r: maqama 39
The Mysterious Island
folio 120v Abu Zayd and al-Harith before the king's palace
Abū Zayd et al-Hārith devant le palais du roi
f.120v: maqama 39
Abu Zayd and al-Harith before the king's palace
folio 119v Abu Zayd and al-Harith sailing
Abū Zayd et al-Hārith naviguant
f.119v: maqama 39
Abu Zayd and al-Harith sailing
folio 118r Abu Zayd before the Governor
Abū Zayd devant le gouverneur
f.118r: maqama 38
Abu Zayd before the Governor
folio 117v Abu Zayd and al-Harith
Abū Zayd et al-Hārith
f.117v: maqama 38
Abu Zayd and al-Harith
folio 114v Abu Zayd and his son before the Kadi
Abū Zayd et son fils devant le cadi
f.114v: maqama 37
Abu Zayd and his son before the Kadi
folio 110r Abu Zayd and his listeners
Abū Zayd et ses auditeurs
f.110r: maqama 36
Abu Zayd and his listeners
folio 107r Abu Zayd before the Kadi
Abū Zayd devant le cadi
f.107r: maqama 34
Abu Zayd before the Kadi
folio 105r al-Harith in the slave market
al-Hārith au marché aux esclaves
f.105r: maqama 34
al-Harith in the slave market
folio 103r Abu Zayd and his listeners
Abū Zayd et ses auditeurs
f.103r: maqama 33
Abu Zayd and his listeners
folio 101r The singer and the herd of camels
La chanteuse et le troupeau de chameaux
f.101r: maqama 32
The singer and the herd of camels
folio 100v Abu Zayd and al-Harith
Abū Zayd et al-Hārith
f.100v: maqama 32
Abu Zayd and al-Harith
folio 95r Abu Zayd and pilgrims
Abū Zayd et pčlerins
f.95r: maqama 31
Abu Zayd and pilgrims
folio 94v Caravan of pilgrims
Caravane de pčlerins
f.94v: maqama 31
Caravan of pilgrims
folio 92r Abu Zayd and his listeners
Abū Zayd et ses auditeurs
f.92r: maqama 30
Abu Zayd and his listeners
folio 91v Abu Zayd and his listeners
Abū Zayd et ses auditeurs
f.91v: maqama 30
Abu Zayd and his listeners
folio 90r Abu Zayd, his son and al-Harith
Abū Zaydr, son fils et al-Hārith
f.90r: maqama 29
Abu Zayd, his son and al-Harith
folio 89r Abu Zayd and merchants asleep
Abū Zayd et marchands endormis
f.89r: maqama 29
Abu Zayd and merchants asleep
folio 86r Abu Zayd and al-Harith
Abū Zayd et al-Hārith
f.86r: maqama 28
Abu Zayd and al-Harith
folio 84v Abu Zayd preaching in Samarqand
Abū Zayd prźchant ą samarqand
f.84v: maqama 28
Abu Zayd preaching in Samarqand
folio 79r Abu Zayd writes
Abū Zayd écrivant
f.79r: maqama 26
Abu Zayd writes
folio 77r Abu Zayd receiving al-Harith
Abū Zayd recevant al-Hārith
f.77r: maqama 26
Abu Zayd receiving al-Harith
folio 76r Abu Zayd and al-Harith
Abū Zayd et al-Hārith
f.76r: maqama 25
Abu Zayd and al-Harith
folio 75r Abu Zayd and his listeners
Abū Zayd et ses auditeurs
f.75r: maqama 25
Abu Zayd and his listeners
folio 74v Abu Zayd and his listeners
Abū Zayd et ses auditeurs
f.74v: maqama 25
Abu Zayd and his listeners
folio 69v Abu Zayd and his listeners
Abū Zayd et ses auditeurs
f.69v: maqama 24
Abu Zayd and his listeners
folio 67v Abu Zayd, his son and al-Harith
Abū Zaydr, son fils et al-Hārith
f.67v: maqama 23
Abu Zayd, his son and al-Harith
folio 64r Abu Zayd before the Governor
Abū Zayd devant le gouverneur
f.64r: maqama 23
Abu Zayd before the Governor
folio 63v Abu Zayd before the Governor
Abū Zayd devant le gouverneur
f.63v: maqama 23
Abu Zayd before the Governor
folio 61r Abu Zayd and al-Harith boating
Abū Zayd et al-Hārith naviguant
f.61r: maqama 22
Abu Zayd and al-Harith boating
folio 59r Abu Zayd preaching
Abū Zayd prźchant
f.59r: maqama 21
Abu Zayd preaching
folio 58v Abu Zayd preaching
Abū Zayd prźchant
f.58v: maqama 21
Abu Zayd preaching
folio 57r Abu Zayd weeping over his declining virility
Abū Zayd pleurant sur sa virilité déclinante
f.57r: maqama 20
Abu Zayd weeping over his declining virility
folio 56r Abu Zayd and his listeners
Abū Zayd et ses auditeurs
f.56r: maqama 20
Abu Zayd and his listeners
folio 55v Abu Zayd and his listeners
Abū Zayd et ses auditeurs
f.55v: maqama 20
Abu Zayd and his listeners
folio 53r Abu Zayd sick
Abū Zayd malade
f.53r: maqama 19
Abu Zayd sick
folio 52v Abu Zayd sick
Abū Zayd malade
f.52v: maqama 19
Abu Zayd sick
folio 51r Abu Zayd travelling
Abū Zayd voyageant
f.51r: maqama 18
Abu Zayd travelling
folio 50v Abu Zayd leaving the wedding banquet in Sinjar
Abū Zayd quittant le banquet de mariage ą Sinjar
f.50v: maqama 18
Abu Zayd leaving the wedding banquet in Sinjar
folio 48r Abu Zayd complaining
Abū Zayd se plaignant
f.48r: maqama 18
Abu Zayd complaining
folio 47v Abu Zayd attending the wedding banquet in Sinjar
Abū Zayd assistant au banquet de mariage ą Sinjar
f.47v: maqama 18
Abu Zayd attending the wedding banquet in Sinjar
folio 46v Abu Zayd and his listeners
Abū Zayd et ses auditeurs
f.46v: maqama 17
Abu Zayd and his listeners
folio 44r Abu Zayd grabbing his wallet
Abū Zayd saisissant sa besace
f.44r: maqama 16
Abu Zayd grabbing his wallet
folio 43v Abu Zayd grabbing his wallet
Abū Zayd saisissant sa besace
f.43v: maqama 16
Abu Zayd grabbing his wallet
folio 42r Abu Zayd arrives at the mosque
Abū Zayd arrivant ą la mosquée
f.42r: maqama 16
Abu Zayd arrives at the mosque
folio 41r Abu Zayd leaving al-Harith
Abū Zayd quittant al-Hārith
f.41r: maqama 15
Abu Zayd leaving al-Harith
folio 40r Abu Zayd and al-Harith
Abū Zayd et al-Hārith
f.40r: maqama 15
Abu Zayd and al-Harith
folio 38r Abu Zayd leaving the pilgrims
Abū Zayd quittant les pčlerins
f.38r: maqama 14
Abu Zayd leaving the pilgrims
folio 37v Abu Zayd and his son
Abū Zayd et son fils
f.37v: maqama 14
Abu Zayd and his son
folio 35r Abu Zayd disguised as an old woman and al-Harith
Abū Zayd déguisé en vieille femme et al-Hārith
f.35r: maqama 13
Abu Zayd disguised as an old woman and al-Harith
folio 33r Abu Zayd at the tavern of Anah
Abū Zayd ą la taverne d'anah
f.33r: maqama 12
Abu Zayd at the tavern of Anah
folio 31r al-Harith travelling
al-Hārith voyageant
f.31r: maqama 12
al-Harith travelling
folio 30v al-Harith travelling
al-Hārith voyageant
f.30v: maqama 12
al-Harith travelling
folio 29v Funeral
f.29v: maqama 11
folio 27r Abu Zayd, his son and al-Harith
Abū Zaydr, son fils et al-Hārith
f.27r: maqama 10
Abu Zayd, his son and al-Harith
folio 26r Abu Zayd and his son before the Governor
Abū Zayd et son fils devant le gouverneur
f.26r: maqama 10
Abu Zayd and his son before the Governor
folio 25r Abu Zayd and his wife before the Kadi
Abū Zayd et son épouse devant le cadi
f.25r: maqama 09
Abu Zayd and his wife before the Kadi
folio 22r Abu Zayd admitting the ruse to the Kadi
Abū Zayd avouant la ruse au cadi
f.22r: maqama 08
Abu Zayd admitting the ruse to the Kadi
folio 21r Abu Zayd and his son before the Kadi
Abū Zayd et son fils devant le cadi
f.21r: maqama 08
Abu Zayd and his son before the Kadi
folio 19r Procession at the end of Ramadan
Procession ą la fin du Ramadan
f.19r: maqama 07
Procession at the end of Ramadan
folio 18v Abu Zayd entering the mosque of Maragha
Abū Zayd entrant dans la mosquée de Marāgha
f.18v: maqama 07
Abu Zayd entering the mosque of Maragha
folio 16r Abu Zayd dictating a letter
Abū Zayd dictant une lettre
f.16r: maqama 06
Abu Zayd dictating a letter
folio 14v Abu Zayd admitting his lie
Abū Zayd avouant son mensonge
f.14v: maqama 05
Abu Zayd admitting his lie
folio 13v Abu Zayd and his son
Abū Zayd et son fils
f.13v: maqama 05
Abu Zayd and his son
folio 12v Abu Zayd recognized by al-Harith
Abū Zayd reconnu par al-Hārith
f.12v: maqama 05
Abu Zayd recognized by al-Harith
folio 11v al-Harith discovering the message of Abu Zayd
al-Hārith découvrant le message d'Abū Zayd
f.11v: maqama 04
al-Harith discovering the message of Abu Zayd
folio 10r Abu Zayd recognized by al-Harith
Abū Zayd reconnu par al-Hārith
f.10r: maqama 04
Abu Zayd recognized by al-Harith
folio 9v Caravan at rest
Caravane au repos
f.9v: maqama 04
Caravan at rest
folio 8v Abu Zayd simulating lameness
Abū Zayd simulant la claudication
f.8v: maqama 03
Abu Zayd simulating lameness
folio 7r Abu Zayd recognized by al-Harith
Abū Zayd reconnu par al-Hārith
f.7r: maqama 03
Abu Zayd recognized by al-Harith
folio 6v Abu Zayd recognized by al-Harith
Abū Zayd reconnu par al-Hārith
f.6v: maqama 02
Abu Zayd recognized by al-Harith
folio 5v Abu Zayd at the library of Basra
Abū Zayd ą la bibliothčque de Basra
f.5v: maqama 02
Abu Zayd at the library of Basra
folio 4v Abu Zayd and al-Harith
Abū Zayd et al-Hārith
f.4v: maqama 02
Abu Zayd and al-Harith
folio 3v Abu Zayd, al-Harith and his disciple
Abū Zayd, al-Hārith et son disciple
f.3v: maqama 01
Abu Zayd, al-Harith and his disciple
folio 2r al-Hamadhanī?
Hamadhānī (al-) ?
f.2r: frontispiece
folio 1v
Harīrī (al-) ?
f.1v: frontispiece

Source: Bibliothčque nationale de France, Département des manuscrits, Arabe 5847

Referenced as figure 324 in The military technology of classical Islam by D Nicolle

324A to 324G. Manuscript, A - 'Spear of the Governor of Rahba,' B - 'Sermon in a mosque,' C - 'Slaughtering a camel,' D - 'Feast in a tent,' E - 'Mace or staff of a lawyer,' F - 'Soldier at a burial scene,' G - 'Guards of a ruler,' Maqāmāt al Harīrī, 1237 AD, Irāq, Bib. Nat., Ms. 5847, ff. 26r, 84v, 140r, 139v, 29v and 59r, Paris (ICC).

Vol 1, p.175:        A certain amount of confusion could surround mail. Its rings were widely referred to in Arabic as zard, zared or zird, which is a term very close to the sard scales of the dirʿ. There does, however, seem to have been a clear distinction between the two terms from the 10th to 14th centuries (see Terminology). The situation in Persian-speaking areas was simpler, for here the term zirih quite clearly referred to mail.43 The pictorial evidence, some of it very stylized and having to be interpreted with caution, shows that mail hauberks of various shapes, long (Figs. 330, 333, 335, 447, 501, 520, 537, 543, 600, and 639) or short (Figs. 134, 196, 246, 267, 292, 294, 305, 392, 515, 522, 541, 598 and 599), with long (Figs.161, 174, 241, 250, 270, 298, 305, 345, 346, 347, 348, 350, 375, 428, 435, 438, 442, 494, 500, 519, 535, 538, 540, 543, 545A-F and H, and 551B) or short sleeves (Figs. 262, 286, 288, 292, 339, 444, 446, 499, 521, 546A, 551, 601, 606, and 661), some opening down the front (Figs. 324F and 641) and others put on over the head (Figs. 157, 316, 377, 422, 517, and 549), were all used in most regions of Islam in most periods.44

43. Firdawsī, op. cit., pp. 368-369, 427 and 828.
44. Fries, op. cit., pp. 62-63; Anon., The Song of Roland, verse 79; Ibn Isḥag, op. cit., p. 107; Mutanabbi, in Wormhoudt, op. cit., p. 84; Norris, op. cit., pp. 95-96.

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