003a Soldiers attacking a man lying outside a castle.
|  013b Farrukhruz weeping at the sight of Gulru.
|  019b A man and woman riding camels.
 031b The King of Chin's men trying to capture Samak, Mah Pari and her maidservant.
|  039b Battle between Jamshid and Khurshidshah. Detail image of armoured horse.
|  046a Samak in disguise dancing before the king and queen.
 053a Deathbed scene of Khurshidshah surrounded by courtiers.
|  061a Ilkhanid Battle scene. Detail image.
|  068b Ilkhanid Battle scene. Large image.
 080b Capture of a man in a tent, with soldiers attending outside.
|  089a Qatus and Khurshidshah in single combat. Large image.
|  094b Farrukhrus and Shirwan-bashan brought captive before Gharib Shah.
 106a Farrukhrus rescued from Gharib by Samak.
|  114a Samak's stratagem: a blacksmith heating tongs while a prisoner is held bound on the floor.
|  121a Battle between Farrukhruz and Mardan-dukht.
 134a Searching for Mardandukht, Samak finds two human-headed birds.
|  140a Marriage of Farrukhruz to Gulbuy, Shirwanbashan, Giti Numay, and Jakalmah.
|  148a Samak captive before Qabut Bari.
 159a Khurshidshah and Mah Pari (?) emerging from the city gate.
|  166b Two men swimming in a river while angels converse.
|  180b Two archers shooting an ox while four angels look on from above.
 189a Bahlan brought captive before Samak.
|  191b Mourners before the head of Khurshidshah.
|  201a The marriage of Mardan-dukht.
 221b An old woman denounces a captive.
|  226a The Wazir reading a document to Farrukhruz.
|  234b Ilkhanid Battle scene.
 241a Battle of Mardan-dukht and her veiled women warriors against Qabus.
|  251a Captive flogged before Qabus, who is addressed angrily by Mardan-dukht.
|  261a Ilkhanid Battle scene.
 268b Samak conversing with Mahus on a throne placed beside a river.
|  276a Battle between Mardan-dukht and Lal.
|  283b Taj-dukht killing Gulbuy, Shirwan-bashan, Giti Numay, and Jakalmah.
 288a Taj-dukht captive and hanged in chains.
|  302a Crushing of the witch Tighu under a rock.
|  311a Ilkhanid Battle scene.
 321b Meeting of two kings under a tree, with princess.
|  327b Two men finding a man in a tent decapitated.
|  331a Women offer food and drinks to hairy man.