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A Mátyás Graduálé
The Gradual of King Matthias Corvinus of Hungary
National Széchényi Library, Budapest, Hungary. Cod. Lat. 424
Folio 3r
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The scene of the Resurrection, with sleeping guards.
Resurrexi, et adhuc tecum sum; posuisti super me manum tuam, mirabilis facta est scientia tua.
Psalm 138 5 Behold, O Lord, thou hast known all things, the last and those of old: thou hast formed me, and hast laid thy hand upon me. 6 Thy knowledge is become wonderful to me: it is high, and I cannot reach to it. ...  18 I will number them, and they shall be multiplied above the sand: I rose up and am still with thee.
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National Széchényi Library, Budapest
1480-1488. Probably made in Buda. Parchment.
The most richly illuminated manuscript in the Corvina collection is the second volume of a gradual containing the changing plainsong of the mass,
probably used in the royal chapel.
Besides the title-page, it was decorated with 46 large figural and numerous smaller initials.
Some of the initials illustrate the passage of the Bible on which the liturgy is based, while others show scenes of secular life.
Symbolical and emblematic images can also be found.
The initial on the title-page shows the resurrection of Christ with the biblical scenes following the resurrection in the background.
Back to The Gradual of King Matthias Corvinus of Hungary, National Széchényi Library, Budapest, Hungary. Cod. Lat. 424