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Illustrations of military interest from
A Mátyás Graduálé
The Gradual of King Matthias Corvinus of Hungary

National Széchényi Library, Budapest, Hungary. Cod. Lat. 424
The Gradual (Latin: graduale or responsorium graduale) is a chant or hymn in the liturgical celebration of the Eucharist for many Christian denominations.

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Picture source: A Mátyás Graduálé by Soltész Zoltánné. Magyar Helikon/Corvina, Budapest, 1980 PDF or HTML version

National Széchényi Library, Budapest

1480-1488. Probably made in Buda. Parchment.
The most richly illuminated manuscript in the Corvina collection is the second volume of a gradual containing the changing plainsong of the mass, probably used in the royal chapel. Besides the title-page, it was decorated with 46 large figural and numerous smaller initials. Some of the initials illustrate the passage of the Bible on which the liturgy is based, while others show scenes of secular life. Symbolical and emblematic images can also be found.
The initial on the title-page shows the resurrection of Christ with the biblical scenes following the resurrection in the background. At the bottom of the frame enlivened with figures, are the arms of Matthias and Beatrix. In the four corners are Old Testament prefigurations of the resurrection and in the field on the right there is a mediaeval symbol of Christ, a lion breathing life into its cubs. Differing opinions have been formed on the origin of the codex and the artists.
Bibliotheca Corviniana Digitalis Cod. Lat. 424

See also:
The tomb effigy of Imricha Zapolyai, c.1487, Spišská, Slovakia
The Hungarian Saint Ladislaus legend in the Chronica Hungarorum of Thuróczy János, 1488
Leopold I in the fight against the Hungarians. The Babenberg family tree at Stift Klosterneuburg, 1489
Illustrations of Hungarian Costume and Soldiers
Other 15th Century Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers