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Icon of Saints Theodore Stratelates and George, Palestine, 9th-10th centuries.
Saint Catherine's Monastery, Sinai, Egypt.


A larger image of this Icon of Saints Theodore Stratelates and George, Palestine, 9th-10th centuries. Saint Catherine's Monastery, Sinai.

Die Kriegerheiligen Theodor Stratelates und Georg zu Pferd, ihre Feinde besiegend. Zwei Flügel eines Triptychons aus Palästina mit georgisch beeinflusster Ikonographie. 9. oder 10. Jahrhundert. 38,6 x 13 cm/38,6 x 13,5 cm

The warrior-saints, Theodore Stratelates and George on horseback, defeating their enemies. Two wings of a Triptych from Palestine influenced by Georgian iconography. 9th or 10th century. 38.6 x 13 cm/38.6 x 13.5 cm
Saint Catherine's Monastery, Sinai (Egypt)
Source: K. Weitzmann: "Die Ikone"

See also a Georgian Icon, St George spearing Diocletian, 11th century. Art Museum of Georgia.
St. Theodore Tyro, Coptic, after 867AD. Pierpont Morgan Lib. Ms. 613
Byzantine Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers
Georgian Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers
9th century Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers