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Georgian Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers
Georgian Silver Rhyton with Warriors, from Gomi Village. Kutaisi Museum.
Georgian Carved Altar Screen from Tsebelda, featuring St. Eustace Placidus as a cavalryman, 9th-10th centuries
St George of Chukuli, Georgia, 10th century
St George of Chikhareshi, Georgia, 10th century
St George of Nakuraleshi, Georgia
St George on the Mravaldzali icon, Georgia, latter half of the 10th century
St George of Parakheti, Georgia, end of the 10th century
St George of Nakipari, Georgia, early 11th century
St George of Labechina, Georgia, second decade of the 11th century
St George of Ipari, Georgia, 1st quarter of the 11th century
St George of Khidistavi, Georgia, first third of the 11th century
St George of Supi, Georgia, 11th century
St George of Supi on foot, Georgia
St George of Jakhunderi, Georgia, 11th century
Saint George on the Saakao icon, Georgia, 11th century. State Art Museum Tbilisi.
Georgian Icon, St George spearing Diocletian, 11th century
Georgian Icon from Shemokmedi, 2nd half of the 11th century
Fresco of Warrior Saint (St Theodore?) of Adishi, Georgia
St George on the façade of the Adishi church, Georgia
St Theodore of Lagurka, Georgia, turn of the 11th-12th centuries
St Panteleimon on the processional cross of Pari, Georgia, 12th century
A 12th Century Georgian Fresco in Vardzia Monastery
Illuminations in the 12th Century Georgian "Jruchi Gospels"
Warrior Saint of Pavnisi, Georgia, 12th century
Warrior Saint of Timotesubani, Georgia, turn of the 12th-13th centuries
The Warrior Saint in Timotesubani, Georgia
Saint from Timotesubani, Georgia
Basil II's victory over the Abasgians in 1002, Scylitzes Chronicle (Codex Græcus Matritensis)
St. Demetrius' quilted armour with lilies, Icon, Lahili, Georgia, 12th-13th centuries.
Georgian Illuminations from the Djruchi II Four Gospels, 12-13th Centuries
Georgian Soldiers in Illuminations from Psalters (MS. H 1665), 13-15th centuries
A Georgian cavalryman in Armies and Enemies of the Crusades 1096-1291 by Ian Heath
A Georgian 15th century enamel of St. George killing the dragon
A Georgian Foot Soldier by Melchior Lorck, 1576
A Georgian Soldier in De gli habiti antichi, e moderni di diverse parti del mondo libri due by Cesare Vecellio, 1590
Georgian Cavalrymen by Italian missionary Don Cristoforo de Castelli, early 17th Century.
Georgian Cavalryman - The Knight in Panther’s Skin - Vephkhistqaosani. Georgian manuscript copied by Mamuka Tavakarashvili, ms. H599, f.255, early 17th Century.
Georgian miniatures from a mid 17th century manuscript of Shota Rustaveli's poem, The Knight in the Panther's Skin