1504-Babur receiving the capitulation of Kabul
1533-Humayun Defeats His Rebellious Brother Kamran At Kabul +
1535-Flight of Sultan Bahadur During Humayun's Campaign in Gujarat +
Akbar at Age 13
1561-Adham Khan pays homage to Akbar at Sarangpur *
1561-Bairam Khan is assassinated by an Afghan at Patan +
1561-Bairam Khan's widow and child (Abdul Rahim Khan-I-Khana) are escorted to Ahmedabad
1561-Akbar riding the elephant Hawa'I pursuing another elephant across a collapsing bridge of boats +
1561-The Capture of Fort Mertha (Mirtha) Jodhpur, in Rajasthan, by Mirza Sharaf ad-Din Husain +
1561-The Defeat of Baz Bahadur of Malwa by the Mughal Troops +
1561-The Submission of the rebel brothers Ali Quli Khan Zaman and Bahadur Khan to Akbar at Karah *
1561-The Victory of Khan Zaman (Ali Quli Khan) on the river Gomti (or Jumna) +
1561-The governor of Gagraun fort surrenders the keys to Akbar *
1562-Pir Muhammad Drowns While Crossing the Narbada +
1562-Mu'nim Khan Flees to Kabul +
1562-Akbar receiving Sayyed Beg, ambassador of Shah Tahmasp I of Iran, at Agra the imperial capital +
1564-An Attempt on Akbar's Life +
1564-The Capture of Jalalabad +
1564-The Heroic Death in Battle of Rani Durgavati, ruler of the Gond Kingdom +
1565-A meeting between the rebel Bahadur Khan and the Mughal emissary Mir Mu'izz al Mulk *
1565-Akbar Receives Trophies of War from Asaf Khan +
1565-Battle Scene with Boats on the Ganges +
Akbar hunting in an enclosure near Lahore while Hamid Bakari is Punished by Having his Head Shaved and Being Mounted on an Ass, 1567 +
1567-An Episode at Kara (Karah) on the Ganges +
1567-The Fight between Wazir Khan and Bahadur Khan Against Ali Quli Khan near Chunar +
1567-Akbar Seizes Booty from the Boats Abandoned by Khan Zaman +
1567-The War Elephants Citranand and Udiya Collide in Battle +
1567-Akbar crossing the Ganges on his elephant Udiya, in pursuit of the rebels Khan Zaman and Bahadur Khan +
1567-The Capture of the Rebel Bahadur Khan +
1567-The Discovery of the Decapitated Head of Khan Zaman +
1567-A mine explodes during the siege of Chitor +
1567-The Jauhar or burning of the Rajput women during the siege of Chitor +
1568-Akbar shoots the Rajput hero Jaimal at the siege of Chitor +
1568-Bullocks dragging siege-guns up hill during the attack on Ranthambhor Fort +
1569-Akbar's forces besieging Rai Surjan Hada's fort of Ranthambhor +
1569-Akbar directing the attack against Rai Surjan Hada at Ranthambhor Fort *
1569-Akbar's entry into the fort of Ranthambhor +
1570-Akbar Being Received by Khan Kilan, the Governor of Nagaur +
1572-Battle of Patan. The Victory of Qutb ad-Din Khan over Muhammad Husain Mirza at Gujarat +
1572-The Wounding of Khan Kilan by a Rajput during his march +
1572-The Battle of Sarnal, Gujarat +
1572-Akbar's triumphal entry into Surat *
1573-The Battle Between the Imperial Army and Muhammad Husain Mirza near Ahmadabad +
1573-Muhammad Husain Mirza Brought Prisoner Before Akbar +
1573-Mirza Ibrahim Husain Hunting, and his Defeat by the Imperial Troops +
1573-Akbar receiving his sons at Fathpur after the victorious campaign in Gujarat *
1576-Daud Shah of Bengal is Taken Prisoner +
1577-Akbar greeting Rajput rulers and other nobles at court +
1577-The Battle Preceding the Capture of the Fort at Bundi, Rajasthan +
Akbar Hunting Black Buck with Trained Cheetahs, Akbarnama
Akbar's remorse on the hunting field +
Akbar Receives Gifts from the Ambassadors of Badakhshan *
Akbar giving Audience *
Items marked * include large, detailed pictures or + very large, detailed pictures.