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Alay Çavuşu
Illustration 060 from:
Costumes Orientaux
Recueil de costumes et vêtements de l'Empire ottoman au 18e siècle
Collection of costumes and clothing of the Ottoman Empire in the 18th century
Owned by Joseph Gabriel Monnier

Alaï tchavouch : homme qui précède le Vizir, responsable du protocole vis à vis du Pacha, lors des audiences.
man who precedes the Vizier, responsible for protocol vis-à-vis the Pasha, during audiences.
alay = procession
39. Procession çavuşları led the grand vizier in procession in Istanbul and ensured the safety of the streets to be passed. They are depicted in red shalwar, yellow boots, a red [or green] pasha turban and holding a çavuş staff.
Source: Osmanlı kıyafet albümleri (1770-1810) by Nurdan Küçükhasköylü
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Back to Costumes Orientaux Recueil de costumes et vêtements de l'Empire ottoman au 18e siècle. Owned by Joseph Gabriel Monnier.