15th century resources:
The Tomb of Ó Catháin, Dungiven Priory, Ireland, 14th or 15th century
Battle of El Puig, Altarpiece of St George, Valencia, Spain, c.1400
The Betrayal, Mural in Agios Georgios, Artos, Crete, c.1401AD
The illustration of the Knight in the Ellesmere Manuscript of Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, England
'La Prinse et mort du roy Richart' (The Capture and Death of King Richard II), by Jean Creton, Paris, France. Brit. Lib. Harley 1319
A Handgunner from Konrad Kyeser's military treatise 'Bellifortis', 1405
Grandes Chroniques de Saint-Denis. Troyes, France c.1400-1410AD. BM Toulouse, Ms 512.
A Naval Battle by Spinello Aretino, Palazzo Pubblico in Siena, Italy, 1406-7
Crucifixion of St. Andrew, by Borrassà, Barcelona, Spain, 1400-1415
Knights bound in the great river Euphrates, in a York Minster stained glass window, England, 1405-1408
Pedro IV, King of Aragon, in the Roll of Poblet, 1409-10
'The Book of the Queen' by Christine de Pizan. France, c.1410-c.1414AD. British Library, Harley MS 4431.
'Chronicles' by Jean Froissart, Paris, France, 1st Quarter of the 15th Century. Bibliothèque nationale de France, MS Français 2642
'Chronicles' by Jean Froissart, Paris, France, 1st Quarter of the 15th Century. Bibliothèque nationale de France, MS Français 2662
'Chroniques' by Jean Froissart, Paris, France, 1st Quarter of the 15th Century. Bibliothèque nationale de France, MS Français 2664
'Feuerwerkbuch', Germany, first quarter of the 15th century. Royal Armouries FEUR 1, England.
Folio 19v, The city of Besances made composition with the men of the Duke of Lancaster in 'de Boxmeer Froissart', Book 3 'Chronicles' by Jean Froissart, Paris, France, c.1412-1415. Bibliothèque royale de Belgique, Ms.II 88.
Late 14th to 15th century Mameluke costume in Kalila and Dimna
Illustrations of Turkmen of Anatolia from Iskandar-namah (The Book of Alexander the Great), 1416
Embrace in the Golden Gate, The Kiss of Judas, 1410-1425, Aragon, Spain
Altarpiece of St. Barbara, by Sarria, 1410-25, Valencia, Spain
Legend of the 12th century Crusade of Erik IX of Sweden to Finland, Nousiainen Church, c.1415-20
Frescoes in the Čerín Roman Catholic Church, Slovakia, early 15th century
Battle of El Puig, Alterpiece of St George, Jerica, Spain, 1420
Tomb effigy of Kunz von Haberkorn in the church of the Knights of St John in Würzburg, Bavaria, Germany, c.1420AD.
'Chronicles' by Jean Froissart, France, c.1420AD. Bibliothèque nationale de France, MS Français 2649
Krumlov Codex, Hussite, Bohemia, c.1420. Austrian National Library code 370.
'Victory of Alexander over Nicolaus' in Alixandre, c. 1420-c. 1425, Paris, France. British Library, Royal Ms 20 B XX.
The Saint George Legend, Hronský Beňadik Monastery Church, portrayed as a Hungarian Knight, 1423
Battle of Issus (cassone panel) by Apollonio di Giovanni, Florence, Italy, early 15th century. British Museum, 1878,1101.195
Paintings of Italian Soldiers of the early to mid 15th Century
A Timurid drawing of an Ilkhanid horse archer, early 15th century. Diez Album A Fol. 72.
Crucifixion, by Master Thomas De Coloswar, Hungary, 1427
Timurid Soldiers from Baysunghur's copy of the Shahnama by Ferdowsi, 1430
The Alba Bible, Spain, 1430, including Brethren of the Order of Calatrava
Helmet with the name of Mamluk Sultan Barsbay, 1422-38
Burgundian Soldiers on the Ghent Altarpiece by Jan van Eyck, Knights of Christ, Southern Netherlands (Belgium), 1430-1432
The tomb effigy of Stibor of Beckov (d.1434), Hungary, 15th century. Budapest History Museum.
Sabobai and Benaiah, ‘Mirror of Salvation Altarpiece’ by Konrad Witz for St. Leonard’s, c.1435. Kunstmuseum Basel, Switzerland.
'Book of Fixed Stars', by al Sufi, Samarkand, c. 1430-1440
Zafarnama of Ibrahim Sultan, Timurid Shiraz, 1436. (Book of Victories) of Sharaf al-din 'Ali Yazdi (1424-54).
Hussite Wagon Fortress, (Pseudo-)Johannes Hartlieb: 'Kriegsbuch', c.1437
The Robe, Boots and Bow of Byzantine Emperor John VIII Palaeologus, by Antonio Pisanello, Italy, 1438
Byzantine Icons painted by Angelos Akotantos, Venetian Crete, 2nd Quarter of the 15th Century
Altarpiece of Saint Vincent, by Martorell, Barcelona, Spain, 1438-40
The effigy of Richard Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick, 1439AD. St Mary's Church, Warwick, Warwickshire, England
Soldiers in wall paintings in Brönnestad Church, Scania, Sweden, c. 1440
Medal of Byzantine Emperor John VIII Palaeologus, by Antonio Pisanello, Italy, 1438-1442
The Murder of Thomas Becket on the Alterpiece of Saint Blas in Anento, Spain, c.1440AD
Timurid Soldiers from Muhammad Juki's Shahnamah - early 1440s. Royal Asiatic Society, Persian MS 239.
Italian soldiers in La sconfitta di Montaperti The defeat of Montaperti by Niccolo di Giovanni Ventura, 1443
Martyrdom of Saint Eulalia, by Martorell, Barcelona, Spain, 1442-5
The brass of William Fynderne esquire, c.1444, Childrey Church, Berkshire, England
Byzantine Emperor John VIII Palaeologus on the Filarete Door, by Antonio Averuline, St. Peter's Basilica, Rome, Italy, 1445
Wallpainting of Manuel Laskaris Chatzikes, c.1445, Pantanassa, Mistras, Laconia, Greece
Burgundian Soldiers in Le Roman d'Alexandre by Jean (Jehan) Wauquelin, Mons, c.1447. BnF Français 9342.
A Hussite War Wagon, circa 1445-50, from Eberhard Windeck's Das Buch von Kaiser
'Carrying the Cross'. Danish soldier in wall painting in Kongsted Kirke, between Rønnede and Faxe, Denmark.
Warfare and Firearms in Fifteenth Century Morocco, 1400-1492 by Weston F. Cook Jr.
Effigy of John Hunyadi the Younger, after 1446, in the armour of a Hungarian Knight
Battle of Bannockburn, Scotichronicon by Walter Bower, Scotland, c.1447-9AD. Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, MS 171B.
Byzantine soldier in a fresco, Church of the Brontochion, Mistra, Peloponnese, Greece, c.1449 .
Post Byzantine Soldiers on Murals in Ayios Nikolaos, Vevi, Western Macedonia, 15th Century
Illustrations of Sultanate of Delhi soldiers, Jainesque Shahnama, 1450, India
Court of the Horses at Srirangam, India, 15th century
Cuman and Hungarian Soldiers in the Saint Ladislaus legend
A Georgian 15th century enamel of St. George killing the dragon
Drawings on the wall of Abbey Knockmoy, Co. Galway, Ireland, 15th Century
St. Jerome & St. Sebastian by Ferrer, Aragon, Spain, 1450
Tomb Slab of a Knight of St. James, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 15th century
Equestrian Figure, Djenne, Mali, Africa, c. 1450, Minneapolis Institute of Art
Horatius Cocles Defending the Sublician Bridge (cassone panel) by Francesco Pesellino, Florence, Italy, c.1450. V&A 7897-1863
Marching out of a Hungarian bandery, from the St Elisabeth altar, Košice, Slovakia
Frescoes in the church of Agia Paraskevi, Geroskipou, Cyprus, 15th century
Hussite soldiers portrayed on stove tiles, 15th century Bohemia
Miniature of the Battle of Agincourt, 1415, English School. Stapleton Collection.
Frescos of the Betrayal of Jesus in the Churches of St Mammas, Louvaras; Holy Saviour, Paleochorio; and Archangel Michael, Galata, Cyprus, 15th and 16th Century
Effigy of Jan Zawiszyc of Garbow, City of Kolo, Poland, c.1454.
Scottish Archers of Charles VII, c.1455, in 'Adoration of the Magi', Hours of Etienne Chevalier, Musée Condé, Chantilly, France
St. Vincent at the stake, by Huguet, Barcelona, Spain, 1455-60
Grandes Chroniques de France, MS Français 6465, c.1455-1460AD
Frescoes of the 'Legend of the True Cross' by Piero Della Francesca, San Francesco, Arezzo, Italy, 1452-1466AD
Aq Qoyunlu (White Sheep) Turkmen in the Fatih album (Hazine 2153)
Hällestad Church Frescoes, Torna Hällestad, Scania, Sweden, c.1460AD
Chèvre or 'goat' in De re militari by Valturio. An engine for lifting a cannon into position. Rimini, Italy, 1460+
'Hesperides' by Basinio de' Basini of Parma, Italy, Bodleian Library, Oxford, MS. Canon. Class. Lat. 81, 1457-1468AD
Cassone with painted front panel called the 'Conquest of Trebizond', Florence, Italy, c.1461–1465.
'The taking of Pisa' - unknown Florentine master of the 1460s, Italy
'The battle of Anghiari' - unknown Florentine master of the 1460s, Italy
Burgundian horse drawn cannon & ammunition limber. 'Histoire de Charles Martel', by David Aubert, illustrated by Loyset Liedet, Belgium, c.1465. Brussels KBR Ms. 8.
The tomb effigy of György Szentgyörgyi, Slovakia, 1467
Soldiers in 'Lives of Saints Edmund and Fremund' by John Lydgate. Bury St Edmunds, England, c.1461-1475.
Spanish soldiers in Saint George by Pedro Nisart, Mallorca, Spain, c.1468-70
. Spanish Infantry, 15th century, in Armies of the Middle Ages, volume 1 by Ian Heath, based on Saint George by Pedro Nisart
The confession made to Rene, King of Jerusalem and of Sicily, Duke of Anjou, France, c.1469
Portuguese soldiers in The Archbishop panel, altar from Saint Vincent de Fora, c.1470
A Mamluk manual of military practice and horsemanship, Egypt or Syria, 1470
Chroniques d'Angleterre de Jean de Wavrin, Bruges, Belgium, c.1470. Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna, Cod.2534.
St. Albans Chronicle, St. Albans, England, c. 1470. Lambeth Palace Library MS 6.
'Histoire de Charles Martel', by David Aubert, illustrated by Loyset Liedet, Ms. 9, Biblioteque Royale, Brussels, c.1470
Caesar’s soldiers portrayed as Burgundians, Tapestry, Tournai, Southern Netherlands (Belgium)
'Harley Froissart', Part 1 , Chronicles by Jean Froissart, Burgundian,Netherlands, c 1470-1472, Brit. Lib. Harley MS 4379.
'Harley Froissart', Part 2, Chronicles by Jean Froissart, Burgundian, Netherlands, c 1470-1472, Brit. Lib Harley MS 4380.
Handgunners in History of Alexander the Great by Quintus Curtius Rufus, Burgundian, Bruges, c.1468-1475. Brit. Lib. Burney 169.
Vol. 1, 'Chronicles' by Jean Froissart, Bruges, Belgium, c.1470-1475AD. Artist: Loyset Liédet. BnF, MS Français 2643
Vol. 2, 'Chronicles' by Jean Froissart, Bruges, Belgium, c.1470-1475AD. Artist: Loyset Liédet. BnF, MS Français 2644
Recueil des croniques d’Engleterre by Jean of Wavrin, N.E. France & S. Netherlands, c.1470-1480. British Library Royal 14 E IV
Prints by the Master WA (or Master W with a key) showing Burgundian soldiers, 1470s
Sleeping Guards at the Sepulchre, Hronský Beňadik Monastery Church, 1470s, portrayed as Hungarian Heavy Infantry
Timurid Soldiers and Turkmen successors
Alabaster panel with a scene of the Martyrdom of St Thomas Becket, England, 1450-1500. British Museum 1890,0809.1
St. James the Major at the Battle of Clavigo against the Moors, attributed to Martin Schongauer, 15thC. Met. 41.1.195
The Crucifixion, by Andreas Pavias, Crete, second half of the 15th century. Greek National Gallery.
French, English & Burgundian soldiers in Chronique de Charles VII by Jean Chartier, 1470-1480AD, BnF MS Français 2691
'Assassination of John the Fearless, Duke of Burgundy, on the Montereau Bridge' in the Chronicle of Enguerran de Monstrelet, Bruges, Belgium, c.1470-1480. Ms. Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal. Ms-5084 réserve, fol. 1r.
Swiss and Burgundian Flags in the Swiss National Museum, 15th-16th centuries
A Burgundian Pavise, 1476/77, Zürich Zeughaus, KZ-386
The tomb effigy of Újlaki Miklós, Újlak, Slavonia, Croatia, c.1477AD
Romans portrayed as French Soldiers in 'Valerius Maximus', Paris, France, c. 1473-1480AD. British Library, Harley MS 4374.
Aq Qoyunlu (White Sheep) Turkmen in the Divan of Hidayat, 1478
Diebold Schilling: Amtliche Berner Chronik Official Bernese Chronicle, Switzerland, 1478-1483
Frontispieces, Chronicles by Jean Froissart, copy from Flanders, Belgium, 1475 - 1485AD. Museum Plantin Moretus, MS 15.4-6.
Effigy of William May, Captain of the Garde Ecossaise du Corps du Roi, 1480AD
Histoire d'Outremer by William of Tyre, Burgundian, Bruges, Belgium, c. 1480. British Library, Royal MS 15 E I.
Byzantine and Venetian Soldiers in Christ Bearing the Cross, by Nicolaos Tzafouris, Crete, late 15th century
Timurids in the Zafarnama of Sultan Husayn or ‘Garrett Zafarnama’ by Bihzad, Herat, Afghanistan, 1480s. Johns Hopkins University.
'English Besieging La Rochelle' in Froissart's Chronicle, Burgundian, Bruges, c.1480–1483. Getty Ms. Ludwig XIII 7, f.314.
The Battle of Murten (Morat), Bernese Chronicle by Diebold Schilling the Elder, Swiss, painted c.1480-1484
'Siège de Sens (1420)' in Chroniques d'Angleterre by Jean de Wavrin, Burgundian, Ghent, 1480-1485. BnF Français 82.
The Gradual of King Matthias Corvinus of Hungary, National Széchényi Library, Budapest, Hungary. Cod. Lat. 424, 1480-1488AD
Les Vigiles de Charles VII by Martial d'Auverne, Paris, France, 1484AD. BnF MS Français 5054.
Paintings of Italian Costume and Soldiers of the mid to late 15th Century
The Raising of the Cross by Master of the Starck Triptych, Germany, c.1480/1490
Massacre of the innocents by Herod. Danish soldiers in wall paintings in Elmelunde Church, Møn, Denmark, 15th century
Breydenbach's Peregrinationes in Terram Sanctam, 1486
The tomb effigy of Martín Vázquez de Arce 'Doncel de Sigüenza', Order of Santiago, Spain, c.1486
Grandes Chroniques de Saint-Denis. English occupied Calais, Northern France, 1487AD. British Library Mss Royal 20 E I to VI.
The tomb effigy of Imricha Zapolyai, c.1487, Spišská, Slovakia
Chronique de Charles VII by Jean Chartier, S. Netherlands, last quarter of the 15th century. British Library MS Royal 20 C IX
'Chronicles' by Jean Froissart, copy from Bruges, Belgium, 4th quarter of the 15th century. British Library, Royal MS 18 E I
'Pageant of the Birth, Life and Death of Richard Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick’, John Rous, S. Netherlands, c. 1485-90. Brit. Lib. MS. Cotton Julius E IV
Burgundian Soldiers in the 'Battle of Roncevaux', Tapestry, Tournai, Southern Netherlands (Belgium), 1475-1500
15th Century Hungarian Soldiers in Chronica Hungarorum of Thuróczy János, 1488
Traittié de la forme et devis comme on fait les tournois, par Rene d'Anjou, Bruges, Belgium, c.1488-1489, BnF MS. Français 2692
Late 15th Century Illustrations of Soldiers of the Turkmen States of Persia or Anatolia, Haz. 2152
German Light Horsemen by Albrecht Dürer, 1489
Leopold I in the fight against the Hungarians. The Babenberg family tree at Stift Klosterneuburg, 1489
Shrine of St Ursula by Hans Memling, 1489. Sint-Janshospitaal, Bruges, Belgium.
Portuguese & Moors in The Pastrana Tapestries of Alfonso V of Portugal, late 15th century
Ottoman Soldiers from European Illustrations
Mittelalterliches Hausbuch von Schloss Wolfegg Medieval House Book of Wolfegg Castle, Germany, 1475-1500
Martyrdom of the Pilgrims, the Life of St Ursula, by Vittore Carpaccio, Italy, 1490-96
Turkmen Soldiers from the 'Big Head' Shahnama by Firdawsi, Gilan, Iran, 1494AD
Five Lansquenets and an Oriental on Horseback, by Albrecht Dürer, 1495.
Wood carvings of scenes of the Conquest of Granada on the Choir Stalls in Toledo Cathedral, Spain.
Jan Zizka leading his troops, Göttingen Codex, Hussite, late 15th century Bohemia.
Taborite brethren, Hussite, 15th century Bohemia. Tabor ms 195.
The King of Aragon presides over the courts, Usatges i Constitucions de Catalunya, c.1495.
Guard Room Fresco, Castello di Issogne, Val d'Aosta, north west Italy, c. 1495.
Illustrations of the 1480 siege of the city of Rhodes, Obsidionis Rhodie Urbis Descriptio by William Caoursin, 1496.
The pilgrimage of the Knight Arnold von Harff, 1496 to 1499.
Calvary, Altar of Sant Esteve de Granolles, Spain, 1495-1500. MNAC 24153.
Effigy at Iona of Roderick, 7th Chief of the MacLeods of Lewis (d. c.1498), Scotland.
French troops and artillery entering Naples, 1495. Cronaca figurata del Quattrocento, by Ferraiolo, after 1498. Morgan Ms. 801.
Ottomans in Khusrau and Shirin, 1498–99AD. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 69.27
Effigy of King Stephen of Hungary, 1499, in the armour of a Hungarian Knight
The Naval Battle of Zonchio (Navarino), Ottoman Turks vs Venetians, 1499. British Museum 1932,0709.1
Ivan the Great and his 1499-1503 Campaigns, Part One - The Lithuanian Campaign by C N Hammersley
A Mamluk Training with a Lance from a furusiyya manuscript, c. 1500. David Collection, Copenhagen, Denmark, 19/2001.
Timurid Soldiers from a Khamsah of Niẓāmī Ganjavī, by Bihzad, late 15th/early 16th century. British Library, Add 25900.
Illustrations of Burgundian Soldiers and Costume