Edinburgh manuscript Or 20
 City of Iram, f1r
|  Prophet Salih Produces a Camel from a Rock, f1v
|  Hushang enthroned, f2r
|  Tahmuras enthroned, upper & Jamshid enthroned, lower, f2v
 Tahmuras enthroned, upper & Jamshid enthroned, lower, f2v
|  Zahhak enthroned, f3r
|  Ibrahim catapulted by King Namrud, f3v
|  Manuchehr enthroned with Rostam in attendance, f6r
 Moses in the Bullrushes, f7v
|  Moses Hearing God's Voice, f8r
|  Moses and Aaron and the Israelites watch the Egyptians drown in the Red Sea, f8v
|  Qarun and his tribe swallowed up by the earth, f9r
 Musa Slays the Giant 'Uj ibn 'Anaq, f9v
|  Yusha orders property taken at Jericho to be destroyed, f10v
|  Samson destroys the Philistine temple, f11r
|  Lohrasp enthroned with scribes in attendance, f12v
 The Prophet Armia, f13v
|  Gushtasp adopts Zoroastrianism, f14v
|  The dying Rostam shoots Shaghad, f15v
|  The widow and son of Siyavush to Kavus, f16v
 David judges between two brothers, f17r
|  Eskandar enters the Land of Darkness, f19r
|  The Annunciation, f22r
|  The seven sleepers of Ephesus, f23r
 Yunus and the Whale, f23v
|  Jurjays (Jurjis) Miraculously Protected When Tortured by the King of Mosul for Refusing to Worship Idols, f24r
|  Hurmuzd Enthroned, 34r
|  Abd al-Muttalib and al-Harith about to Discover the Well at Zamzam, f41r
 Birth of the Prophet Muhammed, f42r
|  Mohammad as a youth meets the monk Bahira, f43v
|  Mohammed positions the black stone at the Kaaba, f45r
|  Mohammed receiving revelation from the angel Gabriel, f45v
 Five early Muslim converts being led to torture, f48v
|  Negus, Christian ruler of Abyssinia, refusing to give up Muslim refugees, f52r
|  The Quraysh tribe, who controlled the area around Makkah (Mecca),f54r
|  Night Ride of Mohammed on Buraq, f55r
 Mohammed and Abu Bakr on their way to Medina while a woman milks a herd of goats, f57r
|  Mahmud ibn Sebuktegin, Ghaznavid ruler, conquering Qasdar in India, f108v
|  Mahmud ibn Sebuktegin, Ghaznavid ruler, routing rebels in Qasdar, f109v
|  The Buyid al-Dawla brothers in a struggle for succession, f110v
 Battle between Abu'l Hasan Simjuri, the Governor of Khurasan and Tash, a Turkic general, for control of Khurasan, f111v
|  Governor of Gurgan punishing a prisoner for the death of the governor Tash in 998, f112r
|  Battle between Mahmud ibn Sebuktegin, Ghaznavid ruler, and Abu Ali ibn Simjuri, f114v
|  Mahmud ibn Sebuktegin, ruler of the Turkish Ghaznavid Dynasty, astride a battle elephant, f115v
 The Khwarazmshah Yusuf is executed by al-Mamum, f116v
|  Samanid statesman Abu'l-Husain killed by Buyids at Bukhara, f117v
|  Abu Salih Mansur succeeding his father, Nur I, as king of the Samanid Empire, f118r
|  Battle between the sons of Sabuktagin, Mahmud and Isma'il, f119r
 Mahmud ibn Sebuktegin, Ghaznavid ruler, defeating an opponent at Baktuzun in 999CE, f120r
|  Mahmud of Ghazni in robe from the Caliph, f121r
|  Battle Between Abu'l-Qasim and the Samanid Muntasir, upper, & Muntasir Crossing the Jayhun, lower, f122r
|  Battle Between Abu'l-Qasim and the Samanid Muntasir, upper, & Muntasir Crossing the Jayhun, lower, f122r
 Ghaznavid ruler Mahmud ibn Sebuktegin's invasion of the Panjab, f123v
|  Mahmud ibn Sebuktegin attacks the rebel fortress of Zarang in Sijistan in 1003AD, f124v
|  Besieged defenders of Mashhad al-Dai advancing to battle, f125r
|  Ghaznavid ruler Mahmud ibn Sebuktegin about to engage in battle with the ruler of Bahatiyah (India), f126v
 Ghaznavid ruler Mahmud ibn Sebuktegin defeats Ilak Khan, ruler of Bengal, f127v
|  Flight of Muhammad ibn Suri, ruler of Ahangara, f129v
|  Mahmud ibn Sebuktegin besieges a fortress in 1012AD, f130v
|  Conquest of India (Narin) by Mahmud ibn Sebuktegin, f131v
 Tughan Khan, ruler of Bengal, in Battle, f133v
|  Mahmud of Ghazni crosses the Ganges, f134v
|  Mahmud ibn Sebuktegin conquers Asi in India, f135v
|  Funeral Bier of Mahmud ibn Sebuktegin, f136v
 Seljuk Sultan Malik-Shah ibn Alp Arslan Enthroned, f138r
|  Seljuk Sultan Berk-Yaruq ibn Malik-Shah Enthroned, f139v
|  Seljuk Sultan Muhammad ibn Malik-Shah Enthroned, f140v
|  Seljuk Sultan Sanjar ibn Malik-Shah Enthroned, f142r
| Khalili manuscript 727
 Il-Arslan ibn Atsiz Khan, Shah of Khwarazm, f143r
|  Seljuk Sultan Toghril II Enthroned, f147r
|  Mohammed exhorting his family before the battle of Badr, f5a/66a
|  Mohammed leading Hamza and the Muslims against Banu Qaynuqa, f6a/67a
 Mohammed receiving the submission of the Banu Nadir, f8a/72a
|  Founder of the Zhou dynasty, f9b/249b
|  Founders of the Qin and Han dynasties, f11a/251a
|  Founders of the Qin and Han dynasties, f11a/251a
 Two Emperors of the Qi and Liang Dynasties, f14a/254a
|  The emperor Xuandi of the late Liang, f14b/254b
|  Nine emperors of the Jin dynasty, f17b/257b
|  The mountains of India, f21/261a
 The mountains between India and Tibet, with a female pilgrim in Indian dress, f22a/262a
|  Battle of the Pandavas and the Kauravas, from the Indian epic, the Mahabharata, f25a/265a
|  The Execution of Jalal-al-Din Firuzshah II (r1290-96), the Khalji, sultan of Delhi, by his rebellious nephew, f27a/267a
|  The nobles of Kashmir enthrone a fakir as King Yashaskara (r939-48), f28b/268b
 Ravan, king of Lanka and king of the demons, lies dead before Rama, a scene from the Indian epic, the Ramayana, f30b/270b
|  Shakyamuni offering fruit to the devil, from the life of the Buddha, f34a/274a
|  The Grove of Jetavana, where the Buddha achieved Enlightenment, f36b/276b
|  Kushinagar, where the Buddha achieved Nirvana, f37b/277b
 Noah's Ark, f45a/285a
|  Jacob, with three of his sons and his two wives, Leah and Rachel, f47b/287b
|  Joseph, his robe torn by Potiphar's wife (Zulaykha), appears before Potiphar, f48a/288a
|  Joseph and his brethren, f49a/289a
 Moses commands the Levites to behead those who had worshipped the Golden Calf, f52a/292a
|  The death of Moses on Mt Nebo, f54a/294a
|  Saul, abandoned by Jehovah, is defeated by the Philistines and falls on his sword, f56a/296a
|  Jonah and the whale, f59a/299a